- Click Admin > Inventory > Add Monitor
- Select Linux Server Monitoring in the Add Monitor page
- Login to your server or connect your remote server and copy paste the commands in your console
Install the Linux Agent
One-step installation:
- Execute the following command in the Linux terminal (independent of the OS architecture: 32-bit or 64-bit) to download and install the Linux agent
sudo bash -c “$(curl -sL https://staticdownloads.site24x7.com/server/Site24x7InstallScript.sh)” readlink -i -key=<Device Key>
- You can also associate configuration profiles including threshold, resource check, notification profiles during agent installation. Learn more.
- To re-install the agent, append -ri to the command:
sudo bash -c “$(curl -sL https://staticdownloads.site24x7.com/server/Site24x7InstallScript.sh)” readlink -ri -key=<Device Key>
Manual Procedure:
Execute the following commands in the Linux terminal depending on whether the OS is 32-bit or 64-bit.
Use the Device Key to authenticate the installation of the Linux agent.
- [64-bit:]
sudo wget https://plus.site24x7.com//sagent//Site24x7_Linux_64bit.installsudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_64bit.installsudo ./Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY>To install the agent using organizational proxy:
sudo wget https://plus.site24x7.com//sagent//Site24x7_Linux_64bit.installsudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_64bit.installsudo ./Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user:password@proxyhost:proxyportor
sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user@host:port - [32-bit:]
sudo wget https://plus.site24x7.com//sagent//Site24x7_Linux_32bit.installsudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_32bit.installsudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY>
To install the agent using organizational proxy:
sudo wget https://plus.site24x7.com//sagent//Site24x7_Linux_32bit.installsudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_32bit.installsudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user:password@proxyhost:proxyportor
sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user@host:portor
sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=host:port