De Linux agent installeren

  1. Click Admin > Inventory > Add Monitor
  2. Select Linux Server Monitoring in the Add Monitor page
  3. Login to your server or connect your remote server and copy paste the commands in your console

Install the Linux Agent

One-step installation:

  1. Execute the following command in the Linux terminal (independent of the OS architecture: 32-bit or 64-bit) to download and install the Linux agent
    sudo bash -c “$(curl -sL” readlink -i -key=<Device Key>
  2. You can also associate configuration profiles including threshold, resource check, notification profiles during agent installation. Learn more.
  3. To re-install the agent, append -ri to the command:
    sudo bash -c “$(curl -sL” readlink -ri -key=<Device Key>

Manual Procedure:

Execute the following commands in the Linux terminal depending on whether the OS is 32-bit or 64-bit.

Use the Device Key to authenticate the installation of the Linux agent.

  1. [64-bit:] 

    sudo wget
    sudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install
    sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY>

    To install the agent using organizational proxy:

    sudo wget
    sudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install
    sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user:password@proxyhost:proxyport


    sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_64bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user@host:port
  2. [32-bit:]
    sudo wget
    sudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install
    sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY>

    To install the agent using organizational proxy:

    sudo wget
    sudo chmod 755 Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install
    sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user:password@proxyhost:proxyport


    sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=user@host:port


    sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_32bit.install -i -key=<DEVICE_KEY> -proxy=host:port

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