
How ServerAvatar Works

ServerAvatar is a cloud service for hosting WordPress and other PHP websites on servers at ServerMeister, Linode, Rackspace, or anywhere else. You can think of ServerAvatar as a modern, centralized hosting control panel.

ServerAvatar does not provide servers, ServerMeister does. Instead, we make it easy to host PHP sites on your own servers. Those servers can be cloud servers, VPSes, or dedicated servers at any provider.

How You Use ServerAvatar

After you create your ServerAvatar account, your first step is to connect a server to ServerAvatar. You’ll start with a completely fresh Ubuntu server. If you’ve already installed Apache, Nginx, PHP, or MySQL, then you won’t be able to connect your server to ServerAvatar.

After completing a simple and secure form, we’ll install the ServerAvatar agent on your server. The agent keeps a secure connection open to ServerAvatar, does the actual management of your server, and sends back stats and logs.

You’ll then use ServerAvatar to create a new app for each website you want to host on your server. For each app you create, ServerAvatar will handle all of the server reconfiguration. You never need to do any configuration of Nginx, Apache, MySQL, or PHP. You can use the built-in WordPress installer or SSH/SFTP to upload your site’s files to your server.

What ServerAvatar Does

  • Software Installation – ServerAvatar installs all of the software your server needs, including PHP, MySQL and Apache.
  • Firewall Configuration – ServerAvatar secures your server with an iptables firewall.
  • Automatic Updates – ServerAvatar keeps your server’s packages updated.
  • Simple Control Panel – ServerAvatar control panel makes it easy to host multiple sites on a server, manage databases, add domains, deploy SSL, and more.
  • Stats and Monitoring – ServerAvatar provides stats and monitoring for your servers and apps.
  • Professional PHP and WordPress Hosting – ServerAvatar Free plan provides everything you need for secure, reliable hosting on your server. Our paid plans offer additional features that may be helpful to you as your business grows. Contact a Engineer at ServerMeister for a quick featurelist and more information.

Get Started

The best way to experience ServerAvatar is to try it out.

First, sign up for an account.

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