Je merkt langzamerhand dat je website trager laad en het ophalen van gegevens uit je database lijkt uren te duren. Let’s face it, je hebt je server niet goed onderhouden en nu moet je snel uitvogelen wat er mis is met je server. In dit artikel probeer ik samen met jou in 5 stappen te […]
Categorie archieven: Servers
An order placed through the website is first verified by us over phone. This is a one-time verification process applicable only for your first order. Once verified, the order will be delivered, fully automated, within 1-5 business days. Delivery of special configurations takes longer (7-14 business days).
Despite our diverse selection, we know that our packages may not fit every need. Visit the Custom-built section on our website where you can fully customize your server the way you want it. If you need a custom solution – whether you know the exact details or you would like us to examine your operation […]