Versturen van Emails

One of the most basic functions of the email service is to sending emails. Zoho Mail provides rich text format editors for sending nicely formatted emails. The recipients for the email can be picked from contacts. Some of the essential features needed when sending emails are available below.

Insert Images | Add Attachments | Reusable Templates | Auto-save Drafts | Address Book  | Customized Composer |  More Options

Zoho Mail is explicitly built as an business email, which helps you to send business emails and normal correspondences. However as per the policy, Zoho Mail cannot be used to send mass emails or marketing emails to unknown senders.

Email Composer/ Editor

Click the Compose button in the left pane, to open the Zoho Mails composer, with Rich Text Formatting options. The composer opens in a tab. You can choose to use the Inline Editor for Replies/ Forwards from the Settings. The default settings for the Compose, can be customized from the Compose Settings.

The Composer includes the following:

  • From: The From address can be selected from the drop down and contains the main email address of your account, your email aliases and the external email addresses configured. Refer here for instructions to configure external email address as a From Address.
  • To: Specify the direct recipients of the email here. The organization email addresses will be available from the AutoFill. Click the To Label, to open the address book and choose email address from the address book.
  • Cc (Carbon Copy): Specify the recepeints to whom the email should be copied. When you add email address in Cc, other recipients will be able to view the addresses.
  • Bcc: (Blind Carbon Copy): Specify the recipients to whom the email should be copied, without exposing the email addresses to others. The other recipients will not know about the email addresses in Bcc.
  • Subject: Title or a Short Summary of the contents of the email

Mail Content – Richly Formatted Mail

Zoho mail provides a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, which provides options to send a richly formatted mail with images, tables, hyperlinks and even smileys. The formatting options allow you to personalize the layout and your email. The built in Spell-checker help you to perform spell check in your outgoing emails, across multiple languages. You can choose the encoding for the outgoing email. It is recommended that you use UTF-8 for outgoing emails, as it is capable of encoding all characters in unicode.

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Strike through
  • Font Face Options
  • Font Size Options
  • Font Color Options
  • Background Color for text (Text highlight)
  • Alignment Options
  • List Options
  • Indentation for text and Lists
  • Text Direction
  • Quote

Other than the formatting options available, you can also insert the following in your mails:

  • Hyperlinks – Directs a selected portion of the text to the linked URL or email address
  • Images – Inserts images either from the disk storage or directly from the web
  • HTML – Provides options to enter content in HTML format, which will be reflected in the compose window
  • Tables – Inserts tables according to the customizations provided
  • Horizontal Separators – Inserts a horizintal line between text
  • Smiley – Inserts the selected smileys from the list of options

Plain Text Mail

You can choose ‘Plain Text’ to send a plain text email, without any formatting. You need to click the link ‘Plain Text’ in the right corner of the composer.

The system will request confirmation from converting Rich Text to Plain text. On confirming the formatting toolbar will hide and you will see only the spell check icon. Any formatting done to the content will be lost. The message will be sent as a plain text message. When you select Plain Text for composing mail, any images inserted and all formatting done to the signatures will also be removed when sending mail.

You need to select Rich Text to switch back to Rich text mode, but the formatting will not be reverted.

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