Slack monitoring integratie

Slack is a cloud-based chat tool that offers a single communications platform for teams to effectively collaborate in real-time. Our integration with Slack lets you instantly share your critical alerts (DOWN/TROUBLE/UP) and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) report permalinks in your Slack channels. Setting up a Slack integration involves two steps: Generating a Hook URL in Slack and integrating with our software.

Generate Hook URL in Slack

Before you begin, make sure you’re signed into your Slack team and Slack Channel that you want to show notifications in. Further, follow the steps listed below to generate the Hook URL:

  1. In the Slack App, navigate to Channel Settings > Add an App or Integration.
    You’re redirected to the Slack App Directory.

  2. Click Build > Make a Custom Integration.
  3. Select the Incoming WebHooks option listed in the Custom Integration window.
  4. Select a channel  from the drop-down and click Add Incoming WebHook Integration button.
    Make sure you choose the channel where you wish to receive the notifications. Based on your chosen channel, your unique incoming WebHook will post messages to this channel.

  5. Copy and retain the WebHook URL displayed on your screen.
    The unique WebHook URL shall be used to connect your account with Slack.

Integrate with #Slack

Once, you’ve generated a Slack WebHook URL, you must login to your account to complete the integration process. Follow the steps listed here:

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Navigate to Admin > Third-Party Integration.
  3. Click the Add third-party integration button. Pick Slack from the list.
  4. Fill up the Slack Integration form to complete the integration process.
    • Integration Name: Enter the name of your integration.
    • Sender Name: Enter the name of the sender.
      You will receive messages in your Slack channel from this configured name.
    • Hook URL: Paste the copied unique Slack WebHook URL here.
    • Message Title: Use the “$ tags” to customize the message title of your notification. Learn more about incident parameters.
    • Select Integration level: Use the radio button to decide whether to send alerts to slack channels from your chosen monitors or all monitors.
  5. Click Save to complete the setup process.
    Once the setup process is completed, the slack integration will be listed in the Third Party Integration dashboard. You can setup multiple such Slack integrations in your account.

Suspend/Activate/Delete Slack Integration

Follow the steps below to suspend an active Slack integration:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to Admin > Third Party Integration.
    All the integrations will be listed here in the Third Party Integration dashboard.
  3. Click the active Slack integration that you want to suspend.
  4. Click the Suspend button listed on the top right corner of the integration window.

    This will stop all alerts messages/RCA links from being send to your designated Slack channel.
    If you wish to reactivate a suspended Slack integration, follow the same steps listed above; then click the Activate button listed on the top right corner of your integration window. Once reactivated, messages will be triggered in your Slack channel for any UP/DOWN/TROUBLE status alerts/RCA permalinks from our monitoring system.
    To delete a Slack integration, follow the same steps listed above; then click the Delete button listed on the top right corner of your integration window. Once deleted, the Slack integration will be terminated permanently.

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