
Categorie archieven: Monitoring

Installeer de Linux agent achter een proxy

Servermeister.com agent allows proxy configuration for the below combinations. Proxy needs to be configured during the installation phase. Read more about downloading and installing the Linux agent. 1. Scenario 1 – user:password@proxyhost:proxyport sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_xxbit.install -i -key=123456fd2dc1234a6a0cc9536d1b6ce0 -proxy=user:password@proxyhost:proxyport 2. Scenario 2 – user@proxyhost:proxyport sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_xxbit.install -i -key=123456fd2dc1234a6a0cc9536d1b6ce0 -proxy=user@proxyhost:proxyport 3. Scenario 3 – proxyhost:proxyport sudo ./Site24x7_Linux_xxbit.install -i […]

De Linux agent installeren

Click Admin > Inventory > Add Monitor Select Linux Server Monitoring in the Add Monitor page Login to your server or connect your remote server and copy paste the commands in your console Install the Linux Agent One-step installation: Execute the following command in the Linux terminal (independent of the OS architecture: 32-bit or 64-bit) to download and install the Linux agent sudo bash -c […]

Verschil tussen website en REST API monitoring

Website monitoring allows you to monitor your websites and web applications to ensure that they are up and running. Website monitor verifies the availability of specified, addressable, standard HTTP and HTTPS URLs from over 50+ global locations and also from behind your firewall. Content check for text content is also supported.  You also have GET, HEAD and POST […]

De Windows Agent installeren met een proxy

For Windows platforms – Complete the installation of the agent After installation, the agent software can be accessed from the tray icon in your Windows machine Right click the icon and select Proxy Configuration Configure details such as proxy server name and port number as well as proxy user name and password Restart the agent

Wat betekend foutmelding: “Content Length Modified”

Under Threshold Configuration, if you have the option ‘Notify when website content modified’ selected, then any minor textual change on your website will reflect as a trouble alert. In the Servermeister.com portal, Log in and navigate to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and availability > Add Threshold Profile > Threshold Configuration > Notify when website content is modified Notify when website content is modified: Select the check […]

Monitor groepen

Monitor Groups help organize resources being monitored by geography, function, topology, ownership or by business application. We create a integrated view for effective monitoring and management by grouping resources. For example, the performance and uptime of your business critical e-commerce depends on various factors such as availability of the website, load time of web page […]

Response time in Website monitoring

In website monitoring, response time is calculated as the total time taken to resolve the DNS, complete the TCP hand-shake and download the full HTML output from the server. However, it does not include getting the images and other resources that are loaded within the HTML page. Note: The factors taken into account to calculate […]

Waarom zie ik soms pieken in de reactietijd van mijn website?

Response time is a combination of DNS time, connection time and  download time. Spikes in response time could be due to increase in DNS  time or connection time or download time. Some factors to consider: In case of increase in  DNS time, one way of resolving this is by configuring the option  “Resolve IP Address […]